Tokyo Suginami ward shop time & Gt; 1 profile: iris, 10 years old, now 10 students Gt; Height and weight: 158 centimeters, 48 km Gt; 3 club activities: Karate Club. Fifteen years ago. Black belt. From the kindergarten Gt; 4 part-time job: convenience store, not Gt; 5 o'clock supply: 1000 yen. June Gt; 6 play: Karaoke or amusement park Gt; 7 size: I don't know Gt; 8 favorite food: meat or sweet stuff. & Gt; 9 brothers: I have two sisters Gt; 10 first experience: last year or a year ago. 1 year old Gt; 11 opponent: boyfriend. Same year Gt; 12 what atmosphere? But it was a good feeling Gt; 13 impressions: painful. It was the third date. Boyfriend probably has experience. I said that it was the first experience later. It was painful but it was good Gt; 14 place: boyfriend's house. He had no parents. Okay & Gt; 15 experience number: 5 people, separated by surprise, and then boyfriend. 3 boyfriend, two people are not boyfriend Gt; 16 Where did you know? Friend friend. I usually play and exchange my contacts Gt; 17 now boyfriend: No. 1 month Gt; 18 what happened? Naturally, nature disappearance. I quarreled with a fight, and it became an amulet. I want to be boyfriend Gt; 19 favorite types: I like kind people. He is old. Two pieces. He is no junior. A good person is reliable. I want to stick all the way. $&; Gt; 20 the last H: A month ago. Boyfriend and Gt; 21 the etch at that time? 100 points. Good. It was best among the five. Compared to everyone who was quite good. The atmosphere was great Gt; 22 favorite foreplay: is it not atmosphere? I like soft eyes Gt; 23 what position do you like? Good from behind. Because I can't resist from behind Gt; 24 dislike positions: No, especially Gt; 25 fellatio: not hated. I feel something strange. I don't feel like doing anything Gt; 26 quiche: I'm a little embarrassed. I don't know yet Gt; 27% rubber mounting rate: 1%. I put it first, but recently I can't put it at all. Because it feels comfortable in there. On a safe day.